Today is Mother's Day! Yea! It's the first one of many for little Miss Ella. Of course neither of the girls wanted to give me the gift of sleeping in today. They were both up bright and early before 6:30. Nice, huh?! Matt came home from work after 8 and they showered me with gifts. Roses, perfume, a picture frame made by Madi (which she told me about) and a James Avery charm of two girls. Sweet and thoughtful gifts. We had a nice breakfast and then Mommy went back to bed for a few hours. Thanks to Matt for that! I really needed it. Not sure what else is planned for the day, obviously dinner and just hanging out which is nice. As adults, it stinks to be so far away from our Mother's on this day. We miss and love our mommies too!!
Life has been crazy and hectic. Work seems to consume Matt and I. When we're not working, we're consumed by a crawling 10 month old who's into EVERY.THING and a 3 1/2 year old who's favorite words are "Mommy....Mommy....Daddy....Daddy...." If we a had penny for everytime she said those words, we'd have a trip to Disney World paid for!
We had a great Spring Break visit to Atlanta. The car ride was long but it was so nice to spend time with everyone. It was Aunt Laura's first time to meet Ella. We miss hanging out with her and wish that we could see everyone more often. We visited the Georgia Aquarium while we were there. What a beautiful place.
For Easter, I took the girls to Ohio for a long weekend. Again, a great time visiting with everyone and spending the holiday together. Madi went to church with Uncle Kory, Papa and Old Man Papa. She had a blast hunting for Easter eggs and finding all her baskets. The Ohio Easter Bunny sure did spoil her rotten!!
We're looking forward to the next few weeks. My parents are coming for a visit for two weeks, the school year will be over, Ella will be baptized, Matt's parents will be here for a visit, and of course, the dreaded 30th birthday, Madi's dance recital!! We'll have a lot going on!!
As for the kiddos: Madi is doing great. She is thriving with her speech. I'm so astonished by how much easier it is for her to speak. We are so grateful for Mrs. Kandy and Mrs. Shannon. They have worked a small miracle on her!! We still go once a week but eventually will only have to go every two weeks and then after that, once a month. We've signed Madi up for preschool for the fall. She will go three mornings a week. She is excited and the day after we went to visit the school she was ready to go!!
Ella is growing so fast. A little too fast for me! As I mentioned, she's crawling and into everything. Dog food is a favorite! She loves to be near people and hates to be left alone. We cannot just set her down in with her toys and walk away. She will scream bloody murder. She loves to be with us, watching every move we make. She's cruising along the furniture and I have no doubt she'll be walking soon. She loves to eat and is starting to eat various table foods along with her baby food. She was almost 22 pounds at her 9 month check up last month. We did have a rough week or so where she had an ear infection but that seems to have passed. All in all, she's wonderful!!
I know I'm bad at updating...I'm sorry for that! Once the school year is over I will hopefully be better at keeping this blog current. Hope everyone is doing well. All our love from Texas!!
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